Cincinnati MONTAGE


glimpse and recede

losing sight of what the night is
and the eternal conversation
the black moon the recessed corners
and we seek our own

a hideous climb awaits you
the cast hook clings
the play splits in two
left to what we should not do

i miss the feelings we had
now that they are faint
the bottle holds dust
the open flames devoured


on this date I could not sleep

on this date I could not sleep
my mind did not turn off
I put my foot on the cat
I watched Star Trek
I drank some wine
I could not sleep
I was angry
I was tired
there were sounds like
air conditioners
there were strange noises
my ankles cracked
I could not sleep
I will wake up tomorrow


grocery list

trash bin (bathroom)
coffee filters
chicken stock
soy sauce
cream cheese
olive oil



For one reason or another
She knows what she is talking about
I sit kidding and listening
Come nearer
Sicken me with perfume
You weren’t there
I listened and I knew

I said “I like your glasses”
And she said “thanks”
She wore a green sweater today
And by coincidence I had on a green shirt

I tried to give some depth to today
But I don’t know what that means so
I kept rewinding her comments
Like a retarded VCR


The Day Li' Billy Catfish Got SHOTDOWN!

Everything was there,
in place, that spelled out
even if it was D-O-O-M.

He had a peach in one hand
that was half-eaten by time I noticed it.
In his other hand, two kiwi’s
that he said he had no intention of eating
This perplexed me.
We exchanged salutations.
Jokes. Hugs. Stories and caught up a bit.
It had been a while
since I got to have a one on one with Billy,
So I was savoring this moment.
Little did I know he was planning a MOVE.
And before long, he launched and ATTACKED!

He approached her slyly
as any man eating and/or holding fruit
could exhibit slyness.
He used his best ‘whatever it was’ and took his shot.
But lil’ did he know...
He was the one that was hit.

He reproached me still eating the peach.
I made the machine-gun sound
and imitated a sailor at a twin 50 caliber machine gun station
on a ship somewhere in the pacific in World War 2.
Then I mimicked a plane with my hand
and a sound of that plane
being hit by the gun and crashing.
Reeeeear- SPLASH!

I told him that he must feel
how a World War 2 fighter pilot must feel
after being SHOTDOWN.

“I suppose so” he said.
he then went on to tell me of his possibilities
that he had in his previous doomed action.
And he told me how his attempt, he felt,
was not without reasoning.
He was acting off of something someone told him
that was also pointed out to him.

He said that he heard, that she said to someone
that overheard her describe him, as “Foxy.”

Sure I said. That could have happened that exact way.
This I admitted even though I had my doubts.

“But...” I Said, then continued:

“Here you are.
In the middle of Shake It Records...
Eating a peach, which is STILL unfinished,
in one hand...
You have two uneaten Kiwi’s in your other hand
that you, yourself stated that you have
no intention of finishing...
Your asking a girl out for drinks...
Because you heard she said you were foxy...
And not that it really matters, but your hairs a mess!

At this, Billy looked hurt.
I had no intention of hurting Billy.
I love Billy.
We have always been on good terms from day one.
I don't want Billy as an enemy.

Billy added the ALMOST finished peach
to the same hand holding the Kiwi’s
so he could run his free hand through his hair
to smooth out any bad spots.

He then stated that everything I pointed out
wasn't really of any matter...
Billy was right! It really wasn't.
Or rather, it SHOULDN'T, to a real woman...
So I told him that that very reason itself was why
he should, right now, move on.

Deep down, Billy knew I was right.
As much as it may hurt,
no matter what he heard she said to someone...
He didn't want nothing to do with her anyway.
He finally agreed.

“This day has everything needed
for being a memorable moment between us”
I said.
He agreed to that also.

Then I stated: “One day we will recount this day
for what it is: The Day Lil’ Billy Catfish got SHOTDOWN”

Then Billy asked me where a garbage can was
to properly dispose of the humoungus peach pit.
For whatever reason, standing in Shake it Records,
he thought I would know this information.
“Just put it in-between some CD’s or something”
I said.